COVID-19, Winter 2020

2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance for Pharmacies

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A guidance document, “Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance for Community Pharmacies” is available on the Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 Guidance for the Health Sector webpage.

We strongly advise all registrants to read this document, which includes information on patient screening and triage, and Infection Prevention & Control advice for pharmacy professionals. Professional judgment should be used when applying the guidance in your pharmacy.

You can also call the Ministry’s Healthcare Provider Hotline at 1-866-212-2272 if you have additional questions or need more information. The College will support the communication of any further updates to the guidance materials.

Registrants are reminded that if they form the opinion that a patient has or may have COVID-19, they must report this information to their region’s public health unit or medical officer of health as soon as possible, in accordance with the Health Promotion and Protection Act.

Pharmacy patients and members of the public should consult the Ministry’s COVID-19 webpage for the public – which is updated daily – and call Telehealth Ontario (1 866-797-0000) if they need medical advice.

The College continues to participate in regular system updates with the Ministry of Health, provincial public health officials and other health system partners and will support any communication and additional guidance specific to pharmacy professionals as it becomes available.

This information was published March 5, 2020. Due to ongoing developments, this information may change. Please stay updated on information provided by the Ministry of Health.

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