Busy, on-the-go pharmacy professionals can now access the latest practice-related content anywhere and anytime on PharmacyConnection.ca. To help registrants get the most out of this digital-only publication we’re highlighting key features and tips on interacting with PharmacyConnection.ca and how to get the latest content delivered directly to your inbox.
Find Latest Posts and Featured Content
Pharmacy Connection’s slider/carousel and “latest posts” sections highlight the most recent content directly from the homepage. Content is posted regularly, and monthly Pharmacy Connection emails to registrants draw attention to the latest content published.
Print Articles and Resources
Want to print off an article for later reference or prefer to read from paper? All content in Pharmacy Connection is easily printable, and with a simple click you can print any article at any time.
As well, some articles have additional printable infographics, posters or checklists that you can use to share with team members or post in your pharmacy or workspace. Download and print these resources for quick reference for any reason at any time. Short videos on tips, resources, insights and more will be arriving to PharmacyConnection.ca in the near future.
Search Topics of Interest
Looking for articles on a specific topic? Click the magnifying glass icon on the blue navigation menu to search for content. By entering keywords for your search, you’ll find content and articles related to that topic. Narrow and customize your search results by using search filters. Filter your search results by type, category, tags and date.
Access Archives
Find past issues of Pharmacy Connection by clicking on “Archives.” Access PDF back issues from 2012-2017, and articles from 2018 to today.
Share with your Network

See an article you’d like to share with your network or directly with a peer? Click the social icons to share on your social platforms, including Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, or click on the envelope to email the article link.
Stay Subscribed
Pharmacy Connection emails draw attention to the latest content published to PharmacyConnection.ca. These emails will arrive in your inbox at the beginning of each month, giving you access to the latest stories, resources, tips, best practices, case studies and more. All pharmacy professionals should stay subscribed to the College’s mailing list to ensure they receive ongoing and up-to-date information that’s relevant to them. Not getting emails from the College? Click here to subscribe to the College’s email list.
Additional Resources
Video – Pharmacy Connection Goes Digital