The College recently asked you to provide your feedback on Pharmacy Connection and e-Connect in order to continue to enhance and improve these publications to best meet your needs. Here’s some of what we heard from those who completed our survey:
find Pharmacy Connection and e-Connect helpful in maintaining and enhancing
their practice and the care they provide to patients
The Top 5 Most Helpful and Relevant Content In Pharmacy Connection:
1. Focus on Error Prevention
2. Key initiatives
3. AIMS and medication-related incident content
4. Practice Insight
5. Trending pharmacy practice topics
find easy to use and navigate
feel e-Connect is relevant to their daily practice
agree or strongly agree that e-Connect is a valuable resource to stay abreast of key College initiatives and activities relevant to them
agree or strongly agree that e-Connect helps them provide better patient care
The College will be using the feedback received through the survey to make enhancements to its communication products to help ensure that it is providing timely and relevant information to registrants to support their practice.