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Be Prepared for Emergencies at the Pharmacy

Banner Fall 2020 Emergency Training for pharmacies
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Emergencies can happen at the pharmacy. It’s important to have plans in place to be able to respond in an appropriate and efficient manner that supports the health and safety of everyone involved.

The recent ISMP Canada Safety Bulletin: Unauthorized Access to Methadone in a Community Pharmacy Contributes to Death highlighted an incident where an individual died after ingesting a large amount of methadone that had been inappropriately accessed in a community pharmacy.

Among the recommendations made by the Office of the Chief Coroner of Ontario following this death was the importance of having an emergency preparedness plan for situations that may occur in the pharmacy.


The following are situations that pharmacies may wish to include in their emergency preparedness plan. Note that this is not an exhaustive list; Designated Managers/pharmacy managers will need to consider unique characteristics of their pharmacy when preparing their plan. First aid training materials will also often provide a list of potential emergency situations where a response may be required.

It is critical that all pharmacy staff are trained on emergency preparedness protocols upon commencement of work at the pharmacy and that the plan is readily available and accessible to all staff in the pharmacy.

An emergency preparedness plan can also be part of larger business continuity planning (see the Ontario Pharmacists Association Pharmacist’s Guide to Pandemic Planning for resources.) With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, pharmacy managers may also need to plan for key issues such as:

Emergency plans should be reviewed regularly and updated as necessary.


It is a requirement of the NAPRA Model Standards of Practice for Canadian Pharmacists for pharmacists who provide patient care to maintain valid certification in first aid and CPR, at a level equivalent to the St. John Ambulance or Canadian Red Cross Standard First Aid & CPR/AED Level C.

As a self-regulated health professional, it is the responsibility of the individual pharmacist to determine the applicability of this standard to the nature of patient care being provided in the context of one’s specific working environment. Pharmacists should apply professional judgment to make this determination with the best interest, benefit, and safety of the patient considered first and foremost.

While First Aid and CPR training is not a requirement of the NAPRA Models Standards of Practice for Canadian Pharmacy Technicians, pharmacy technicians are strongly encouraged to obtain and maintain this certification.

For more information about this requirement, please visit the College’s First Aid Requirements for Pharmacy Professionals webpage.

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