The objectives of Pharmacy Connection are to communicate information about College activities and policies as well as provincial and federal initiatives affecting the profession; to encourage dialogue and discuss issues of interest to pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and applicants; to promote interprofessional collaboration of members with other allied health care professionals; and to communicate our role to members and stakeholders as regulator of the profession in the public interest.
The Ontario College of Pharmacists (OCP), incorporated in 1871, is the registering and regulating body for the profession of pharmacy in Ontario.
The College’s mandate is to serve and protect the public and hold Ontario’s pharmacists and pharmacy technicians accountable to the established legislation, standards of practice, code of ethics and policies and guidelines relevant to pharmacy practice. The College also ensures that pharmacies within the province meet certain standards for operation and are accredited by the College.
The College’s mission, vision and values, which guide and direct the operations of the College, are established by the Board and are outlined in Council’s most current strategic plan.
VISION: A trusted, collaborative leader that protects the public and drives quality and safe pharmacy care and improved patient outcomes.
MISSION: The Ontario College of Pharmacists regulates pharmacy practice to serve the interests, health and well being of the public.
VALUES: Accountability, Integrity and Transparency
- Regulating the practice of pharmacy in accordance with relevant legislation and regulations
- Developing and enforcing pharmacy standards of practice, policies and guidelines and the code of ethics
- Ensuring only those applicants who have met the registration requirements are authorized to practice in Ontario
- Promoting continued competency among pharmacists and pharmacy technicians through a quality assurance program
- Ensuring only those pharmacies that have met the accreditation criteria are authorized to operate in Ontario
- Conducting routine inspections of pharmacy operations to ensure compliance with established standards and support continuous quality improvement
- Managing the complaints resolution process related to pharmacists, students, interns, pharmacy technicians and pharmacies
- Promoting patient-centred, collaborative health care that utilizes the skills and knowledge of all health-care professionals
More details about the specific objects of the College are set out in section 3 of the Health Professions Procedural Code.
The legal powers and duties of the College are set out in the Regulated Health Professions Act, the Health Professions Procedural Code, the Pharmacy Act and the Drug and Pharmacies Regulation Act.
The activities of the College, which are overseen by a Board of Directors comprised of elected practitioners and government appointed public members, are subject to a number of oversight mechanisms including oversight by the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board and the Health Professions Regulatory Advisory Council.