Dear registrants,
If you’ve ever considered taking a leadership role in the profession of pharmacy, the time might be right for you to think about running in the upcoming election for the College’s Board of Directors. We’ve witnessed some rapid change in the profession in recent years, and the need for Directors who understand the importance of maintaining safe, accessible, ethical and quality care for patients has never been greater.
This year the College has embarked on a new Strategic Plan that outlines the priorities on which we will focus our efforts in collaboration with registrants, system partner and patients. One of the goals in that plan is for the College to use its regulatory influence to ensure that all patients are treated with respect and without discrimination via positive changes in pharmacy practice.
To do that, we need Board Directors who are from diverse populations, marginalized groups, and individuals with disabilities, and/or those with experience working with these groups. We are also seeking qualified candidates with competency in financial oversight to help round out our Board skillsets.
If you possess any of these attributes you are particularly encouraged to apply for one of three pharmacist seats or one pharmacy technician seat for the 2024/25 Board year. Applications will be open from April 29 until May 17, 2024, for anyone interested in running for election, and voting will begin in July.
Here are a few reasons why you might consider putting your name forward for the Board.
As a Board member, you will have an important role in serving and protecting patients by approving the policy and strategic direction for the College. You will help bring self-regulation to life and contribute to the future of pharmacy through a public interest and protection lens. And you will help ensure pharmacy care in Ontario is safe, accessible, ethical and meets the standards and relevant laws governing the profession.
Our healthcare system is under tremendous pressure and it is vital that patients, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and system partners have trust in the profession of pharmacy.
Your voice matters when it comes to pharmacy regulation, and I highly encourage you to think about whether a role on the Board might be right for you. If you can commit at least one to three days a month, please consider applying online before May 17, 2024.
James Morrison
P.S. Want more insight into why you should consider joining the Board? Don’t miss this interview with College Board member Andrea Fernandes as she discusses why she decided to apply, what she’s gained from the experience and her proudest moment.