
Board Oversees Public Protection Mandate

Board members at a meeting
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Every part of the College, including its governance structure, is focused on protecting the public interest and ensuring Ontarians receive safe, quality pharmacy care. The duty of the College is expressed through legislated objects under the Regulated Health Professions Act and the Pharmacy Act and further elaborated through its mission and vision.

By developing policies and regulations, setting the College’s strategic priorities and monitoring the College’s strategic, operational and regulatory performance, OCP’s Board of Directors ensures the interests of the public are protected and pharmacy professionals are delivering a high standard of care.

Serving as a Board Director is an opportunity to play an important role in advancing the College’s legislated mandate to regulate the profession in the public interest.

Composition and Responsibilities

The Board is comprised of competent, strategic leaders who set the strategy for the College in fulfilling its mandate to protect patients across the province. The Board strives for a composition of Board Directors that collectively demonstrates the needed levels of knowledge, skills and experience not just in good governance but also in working with diverse patient populations. The Board’s work is supported by Committees whose mandates are set out in legislation or through the College’s By-Laws.

The Board is comprised of pharmacists, pharmacy technicians as well as members of the public and from academia:

  • Pharmacist and pharmacy technician Board Directors are elected by the profession.
  • Public Board Directors are members of the public appointed by the provincial government through an Order in Council, a statutory requirement applicable to all health regulatory colleges in Ontario.
  • Two academic appointments representing the province’s two pharmacy university programs – the University of Waterloo and the University of Toronto – is a requirement under the Regulated Health Professions Act.

All Board Directors – both elected and appointed – share a fiduciary duty to serve and protect the public interest. As part of this duty, the Board regularly monitors College performance and the fulfillment of its mandate through such activities as:

  • Reviewing the quarterly Board Performance Scorecard, College risk register and annual operational plan
  • Approving the annual budget
  • Reviewing the annual submission to the Ministry of Health’s College Performance Management Framework (CPMF) reporting tool
  • Appointing and managing the performance of the Registrar and CEO

Board Election Applications Now Open

If you would like to be a part of the OCP Board of Directors and contribute to serving the public interest, applications for the 2022-2023 Board of Directors election are now open until May 27, 2022.

Pharmacy professionals interested in running for election are invited to submit an application for available Board Director roles – two pharmacists and two pharmacy technicians. Voting for the Board will take place between July 13 and August 3, 2022.

Elected Board Directors will be appointed to serve on the Discipline Committee as per the Regulated Health Professions Act and may also be considered for appointment to other standing committees of the Board.

For more information on the election process, including how to apply, visit the College’s election web page.

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