Board of Directors

Voting Now Open for 2023 Board Elections

Board election
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Your vote matters! As a registrant of the Ontario College of Pharmacists, you have a voice in shaping the future of the profession and ensuring that high standards of practice are maintained through the effective regulation of pharmacy in the public interest. One important way to exercise this voice is by participating in the annual Board elections.

Please check your email for a message from BigPulse on behalf of the College on how to cast your vote for two (2) Pharmacist positions open for election to the OCP Board this year. If you have trouble voting or have not received your ballot, please contact us at

Voting closes on August 2 at 5:00 p.m.

Congratulations Jennifer Antunes!

We are pleased to announce that Jennifer Antunes has been re-elected by acclamation to the Pharmacy Technician seat for a term of 3 years commencing September 2023 to September 2026.

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